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Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Family Scripture Reading Quest!

I am so excited for Family Home Evening tonight because I get to unveil this! One of our family resolutions for the new year is to read more scriptures. So of course we need a challenge! I am challenging my family to climb Mt. Olympus (a local mountain where we live). This mountain is 9,026 feet tall (Not the tallest mountain out there but one I am hoping we can handle), each minute represents one foot, so as a family we need to read 9,026 minutes (150 1/2 hours) to reach the top!

This is the tracking chart. Each little square represents 10 minutes, each blue square represents an hour. If my calculations are correct once the whole sheet is filled we will reach the top! I am going to give us each a different color marker to fill in a square when we complete 10 minutes of scripture reading, this way we can track ourselves individually as well as a family. The goal is 10 minutes a day per person. And if we add in 10 minutes of family scripture study a day we will get there even faster!

This is the progress chart so we can actually visualize how far we are and how far we have to go. Each little marker represents 5 hours of reading. We need 150 1/2 hours to reach the top!

Our little family is ready to climb! Now I just need to figure out what AWESOME reward we are going to get!